Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The discussion surrounding substance abuse and addiction often focuses predominantly on prescription painkillers and opioids, which frequently make national headlines. However, the challenge of illicit stimulants, such as cocaine, continues to persist among many Americans, including high-stress professions and professional athletes.

A concerning 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that cocaine-related deaths nearly doubled from 2014 to 2016, resulting in over 11,000 fatalities. The rise in cocaine use is partly attributed to individuals who are managing heroin or opioid addiction and use cocaine to offset the opioids’ effects. Adding to the complexity, much of the cocaine entering the United States is mixed with fentanyl, a potent opioid that has been a key player in many overdose-related deaths.

At Pure Recovery, we are acutely aware of the unique challenges faced by athletes dealing with cocaine addiction. Our evidence-based recovery programs and neuroscience-driven addiction treatment are designed to address not just the addiction, but also the holistic wellness of our clients. Our plans incorporate advanced approaches to help high-stressed professions and professional athletes overcome cocaine addiction and provide a robust foundation for their personal, professional, and family life.

For clients seeking help, our substance abuse recovery offers comprehensive solutions that blend cutting-edge treatment with traditional recovery methods. This approach ensures that clients receive care tailored to their specific needs, helping to prevent cocaine overdose and manage co-addictions effectively.

Why Cocaine is Addictive

Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant known for releasing an intense surge of dopamine—a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure—far exceeding what the body can produce naturally. This makes cocaine highly addictive, particularly concerning within the realm of professional sports and high-stress professions.

With regular use, the elevated dopamine levels rewire the brain, making it increasingly difficult to experience pleasure without the stimulant. Commonly referred to as “coke,” cocaine appears in two forms: crack cocaine in “rock” form and a fine white powder. There are different ways to ingest cocaine by:

  • Snorting powder cocaine
  • Smoking crack or powdered cocaine
  • Using intravenous injections

Initially, cocaine may seem like a harmless “party drug” due to its ability to boost energy and happiness. However, these temporary effects are deceptive, leading many to use cocaine to manage stress or self-medicate for depression or anxiety.

Like other addictive substances, regular use of cocaine leads to tolerance, necessitating larger doses to maintain dopamine levels and avoid physical or mental “crashes.” This risk is significantly pronounced in high-pressure environments like the financial, technology, sports, and legal professions where managing cocaine addiction effectively becomes crucial.

Cocaine addiction in athletes is a serious concern, with no safe way to use the drug long-term without risking addiction. Understanding the effects of cocaine on athletes and recognizing the risks of cocaine are essential steps toward recovery and maintaining career longevity.


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Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

At Pure Recovery, we understand that addiction often develops unnoticed, particularly with substances like cocaine, where initial casual use can rapidly turn into a dependency. This is especially true in the high-pressure environments’ athletes face, where what starts as recreational use can become a regular habit.

Early Signs of Cocaine Addiction might not always be obvious but can include significant behavioral changes such as:

  • Withdrawing from social circles and activities once enjoyed, often replaced by a new group of acquaintances
  • Exhibiting overly talkative and hyperactive behaviors, with an apparent inability to remain still
  • Experiencing disrupted sleep patterns, often staying out late despite next-day responsibilities
  • Facing continual financial difficulties, frequently borrowing money
  • Experiencing severe mood swings, from agitation to depression
  • Showing poor concentration, affecting performance in sports or other professional activities
  • Noticing physical signs like dilated pupils

These signs are critical for friends and family to recognize and might necessitate a conversation about potential cocaine abuse symptoms and the need for help.

As the addiction progresses, symptoms of cocaine abuse become more severe and evident:

  • Finding cocaine paraphernalia such as razor blades, straws, and rolled money
  • Visible traces of cocaine near the nose, on clothes, or surrounding areas
  • Physical symptoms like persistent runny nose, nosebleeds, and unusual facial movements
  • Drastic changes in weight, eating habits, and physical appearance
  • The presence of open sores or needle marks indicating more severe drug use
  • Behavioral changes like stealing or isolating from loved ones during bouts of anxiety and depression

These signs indicate a serious struggle with cocaine dependency, requiring immediate treatment for cocaine addiction. Without intervention, the consequences can escalate, potentially leading to job loss, familial estrangement, homelessness, and even premature death. 

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment

Withdrawal from cocaine addiction may not be life-threatening, but it is often intensely uncomfortable and painful, making continued use or the abuse of other drugs a common coping mechanism. For some, who may experience heightened physical symptoms, understanding and managing these symptoms is crucial.

Common Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms include:

  • Intense physical cravings for cocaine
  • Physical discomforts such as chills, sweats, and body aches
  • Restlessness paired with exhaustion and fatigue
  • Reduced appetite
  • Sleep disturbances, including nightmares and insomnia
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Emotional disturbances like depression, anxiety, and paranoia
  • Suicidal thoughts or ideations

At Pure Recovery, our approach to treatment for cocaine withdrawal involves a medically supervised detox, ensuring athletes can navigate withdrawal safely and comfortably. This is the first critical step on the path to recovery from cocaine addiction.

Our team of addiction specialists’ tailors our evidence-based recovery programs to each client’s unique challenges, with a special focus on the needs of professional athletes and high-stress professions. We employ a neuroscience approach to addiction—using advanced brain imaging and biofeedback techniques—to restore cognitive function and address the underlying brain changes caused by addiction.

Our comprehensive treatment options include:

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment for co-occurring mental health issues like PTSD, depression, or anxiety
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other behavior modification strategies
  • Relapse Prevention programs, specifically designed with athletes in mind

We offer a range of program lengths, from 30 to 60 days (about 2 months), and a 90-day inpatient recovery program, recognized as the industry’s gold standard. Each program integrates holistic wellness treatments to support overall health, including structured exercise, nutrition planning, and mindfulness training.

Pure Recovery is committed to helping everyone overcome addiction and achieve long-term success, addressing both the mind and body to rebuild a healthy, active lifestyle.

To learn more about our specialized Cocaine Addiction Treatment located throughout the United States, we encourage you to reach out to us. Call us toll-free at (833) 441-0754 to speak directly with an addiction specialist who understands the unique pressures and needs in recovery.