(March 14, 2018) – Pure Recovery California’s acclaimed Sports Brain Injury Treatment Recovery Program, was selected to play a major role in a study of the treatment of athletes with post-traumatic cognitive and mood disorders symptoms often attributed to chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Pure Recovery will be collaborating with investigators from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) who were awarded one of five inaugural grants from the Chuck Noll Foundation for Brain Injury Research funded by the Pittsburgh Steelers.
The study focuses on how through specific therapies which can modulate neuroplasticity and enhance brain rewiring the brain can be repaired thus alleviating symptoms often associated with Post Concussive Syndrome, PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury in retired contact sports athletes.
Athletes will have sophisticated Brain Diffusion MRI imaging tests performed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center under the direction of nationally recognized neurosurgeon Juan Fernandez-Miranda and his team. Studies will include a baseline test and then 30 and 90 days post-treatment imaging. Pure Recovery California’s Treatment Protocol is based on the latest research which demonstrates that epigenetic factors can affect how nerve fibers and their networks can continually change throughout life thus making it possible to rewire the brain. The study will analyze if symptom improvement can be correlated with brain repair through visualization techniques of the connectome or fibers of the brain as a result of the Pure Recovery California advanced neuroscience treatment protocol.
Pure Recovery California Sports Brain Injury program is based on a holistic, epigenetic, advanced neuroscience approach to modify neurophysiology and behavior. They have successfully treated over 100 athletes who suffered from debilitating concussion-related symptoms including many former NFL players.
“Pure Recovery is one of the few centers in the country to utilize sophisticated neuroscience techniques and epigenetics to modify the wiring. They incorporate organic nutrition, meditation, physical activity, eliminate toxic environmental factors, control and mitigate stress, and use the latest advances in Three Dimensional Brain Mapping with a Multimedia Brain-Computer-Brain Neurofeedback interface” said, Joe Maroon MD, Clinical Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery and the Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “The brain is not fixed in its wiring. It changes with every experience. All of these epigenetic factors can modify the neuroplasticity of our brains on a long-term basis and make the brain function better throughout life”. Dr. Maroon is the team neurosurgeon for the Pittsburgh Steelers and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Chuck Noll Foundation.
The UPMC study uses Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging, an MRI based neuro-imaging technique that maps the Connectometry of the brain. This state of the art imaging is available at very few centers in the United States to quantitate connectome changes. UPMC has the research capacity to assess changes in the network of nerve fibers (white matter) in athlete’s brains over time. By imaging the athlete’s brains with this technology before and after they undergo the treatment program at Pure Recovery California, the hope is to visualize connectivity changes and confirm how a specific treatment protocol can alter the brain’s connections.
Dr. Maroon went on to say that, “the data from this study will be significant in that this is the first time a study may confirm that through non-pharmaceutical approaches brain re-wiring or the connectivity of the brain can be modified. Changes in the brain following various therapies have been quantitated electrically and behaviorally but never actually visualized which is the goal of this study”.
Many consider post-traumatic cognitive and mood disorders in athletes, an unremitting, progressive neurodegenerative disorder over the course of many years, culminating at times in profound dementia, suicide, and death. The vast majority of recovery programs today for retired athletes focus only on addiction or offer mental health support. Recent brain research indicates that the neurons and nerve fibers that “wire” our brain continually change throughout life. Thus, protocols such as Pure’s have immense opportunities to enhance life quality by changing brain structure.
Jermichael Finley, former NFL Tight End for the Green Bay Packers who had a career-ending injury turned to Pure Recovery California to help his post-concussive symptoms of memory loss, mood swings, impulsivity, and headaches. His initial testing showed that 44% of his entire brain matter was in slow wave dysfunction. The many concussions and impacts from contact sports had reduced his brain’s power and frequency. After a month of treatment, there was a 70% improvement. “They basically reset my brain,” said Jermichael… “The Pure Sports Recovery Program changed my life and my ability to function again. I feel like a brand-new man. I’m back to my old self … maybe even better.”
“Pure Recovery has already demonstrated significant success in individuals with Impulsivity, depression, memory loss, substance abuse, suicidal ideations, aggressive behaviors and more”, said Dr. Joseph Maroon. “Personally, I believe that a holistic, epigenetic, neurofeedback approach to modifying behavior to enhance the brain is effective and important in the treatment of brain injury, mental health, and addiction. To confirm this with the use of Neuroimaging, Quantitative EEG, Neurocognitive Testing and Outcome Analysis Behaviors is of immense importance.
About Pure Recovery California
Pure Recovery California™ is a JCAHO accredited treatment center that provides a comprehensive, medically integrated, advanced neuroscience, evidence-based program for sports brain injury, addiction, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. As part of their standard program, they provide an integrative holistic personalized wellness approach that is focused on brain health and healing. Their program includes specific anti-inflammatory, organic dietary interventions, and supplements, organic nutrition prepared by specialty-trained chefs, daily exercise programs under the direction of an athletic trainer. All environmental toxins, substance abuse drugs, and alcohol are eliminated. Stress reduction, meditation, and psychological support.
About Chuck Noll Foundation For Brain Injury Research
The Chuck Noll Foundation For Brain Injury Research was established in December 2016 through an initial grant from the Pittsburgh Steelers. Chuck Noll, for whom the Foundation is named, enjoyed a 23-year coaching career with the Steelers that culminated with his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1993. Noll’s commitment to the well-being of his players ultimately led to the development of the ImPACT test (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) used by NFL team doctors since 2007, and now internationally used to help monitor concussions for athletes at all levels. More information on the Chuck Noll Foundation For Brain Injury Research can be found at: www.chucknollfoundation.org